Sunday, June 2, 2013

Dan Lepinski

The Solar Shuttle


On May 18th, 2013, Dan Lepinski gave an in depth presentation of his invention, the Solar Shuttle.  Dan has been involved in the solar industry for the past 41 years.

     Dan stated that he was first inspired by a Science Kit he had as a 3rd grader.  This progressed through the years and his involvement deepened.  His vast experience in the industry inspired him to pursue this invention.

     So, what exactly is the Solar Shuttle.  It is a custom built trailer consisting of four components:  solar panels, regulators, batteries, and inverters.  Essentially this invention converts sun power into consumable energy on a mobile platform.

     Dan stated that he initially thought it would be a useful proposition and cost effective in the long run.  Wind electricity would not work as well in an urban environment.

     How does it work one may ask?  Put into simplistic terms, the solar panels collect energy from the sun.  Next, it stores the power in the batteries.  The regulators maintain a constant feed of energy.  Finally, the inverters convert the DC power to AC power which is consumed by the customer.

     The mobile set-up actually houses two complete systems.  The heavy duty trailer cost approximately $8,000.00 to construct.  Dan stated that for every dollar it returns at least 15-20 dollars return.

      According to Dan, a contingent of Fort Worth Police Department asked Dan if they could utilize his trailer when they deployed to New Orleans, LA to assist in the aftermath of hurricane Katrina.  The trailer was an invaluable asset.  It provided the necessary power to keep their communications system operable. 

     The success of this deployment prompted the Police to ask for Dan's assistance again when the disastrous explosion blew up a chemical plant in West, TX.  The possibilities for employment of the Solar Shuttle are limitless.     

Link to Dan Lepinski's presentation:

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